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HSE Science and Research Centre conducts extensive research into widening the applicability and improving the interpretation of biological monitoring.  Much of this research is conducted for the Health & Safety Executive but we have also fulfilled contracts for other Government departments, industry bodies and directly for private companies.  Our research has involved developing new biomonitoring methods, undertaking surveys in industry to assess exposure control and developing tools and frameworks to improve the interpretation and utility of results.  Much of our research is published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.  An overview of our work can be found on ResearchGate.

Public Health

Around the world, biological monitoring is being used in public health monitoring programmes.  The most extensive and well-known of these is probably the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States.  In Germany, the Human Biomonitoring Commission publish environmental biological monitoring guidance values and population reference ranges to help interpret results and they have an on-going programme of national surveys (German Environmental Survey, GerES).  Other national programmes include Canada and France.

There has been a European project (COPHES) to develop a human biomonitoring framework and a feasibility study (DEMOCOPHES) involved 27 countries in harmonising biomonitoring across Europe.  HSE was involved in the analysis of samples from the UK; the Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England) were the UK partners in the COPHES project. Since then there has been a further initiative, HBM4EU, in which HSE participated in several occupational field surveys.

The World Health Organisation ( WHO) has published a list of ten "chemicals" of major public health concern, see the list below.  HSE Science and Research Centre has expertise in measuring and assessing exposure to many of these.

We have been involved in a number of environmental exposure assessment projects using bioloigcal monitoring.  Again, an overview of our work can be found on ResearchGate.

UK Biomonitoring Network

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