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What's New - HSE Science and Research Publications

New Published Articles

Bard D, Hunwin G, Thorpe A, Dewberry K, Burdett G and Hemingway M, (2025) Characterisation and modification of the porous metal foams used for the EN 15051-2 dustiness rotating drum testAnnals of Work Exposures and Health, 69(1), 59-70

Hunt L et al including Johnson P, Bailey C, and Crook B. (2025) Development and evaluation of high fidelity, multidisciplinary simulation training course for high consequence infectious diseases using fluorescence visualisation. The Journal of Hospital Infection, 157, 1-9

Mueller, W., Darnton, L., Christensen, M., Brooker, F., Kolstad, H. and McElvenny, D. (2025) Mortality and cancer incidence in the uk glass reinforced plastics manufacturing industry: A cohort studyOccupational & Environmental Medicine, 81(12) 610-614


Advance Publications

Clifford C. et al including Bard D, Evans G. and Hall S. (2024) Safe and sustainable development of advanced materials: Uk national knowledge sharing network workshops. Advanced Materials themed collection of Environmental Science: Nano

Hall, S., Sumner, J., Hunwin, G., Martell, S., Pengelly, I., Brown, V., Staff, J., Forder, J. and Bard, D. (2024) Desktop 3d printers in the workplace: Use, emissions, controls and health. Annals of Work Exposures and Health wxae101

Halvorsen, J., Stacey, P., Graff, P., Gjengedal, E. and Ervik, T. (2025) Application of x-ray diffraction with rietveld refinement to quantify mineral composition including crystalline silica in respirable dust. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 1-11

Liddle M, Nicholls G, Leigh D, Kinder J, Curran A and Zand M, (2024) Work-related slip, trip and fall injuries reported by National Health Service staff in Great Britain: how many are due to slipping? Injury Prevention





Recently Published Reports

Health and Safety Executive HSE Annual Science Review 2024

Health and Safety Executive, (2024) Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain, 2024. Data up to March 2024.



External Links


Discovering Safety Programme


Thomas Ashton Institute

The Thomas Ashton Insitute (TAI) draws on the combined knowledge and experience of the Health and Safety Executive and University of Manchester, to deliver research, learning and regulatory insights to enable a better working world. The research themes: digitalisation and complexity; leadership, work and wellbeing; reliability and resilience; safer infrastructures; social change and inequalities, and work and health. Visit the website to learn more about these themes and related publications.




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