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Publications 2014

Journal Papers

AYLWARD, L., HAYS, S., SMOLDERS, R., KOCH, H.M., COCKER, J., JONES, K., WARREN, N., LEVY, L., and BEVAN, R.  Sources of variability in biomarker concentrations. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 2014, 17(1), 45-61.

BARBER, C., BURTON, C., HENDRICK, D., PICKERING, A., ROBERTSON, A., ROBERTSON, W., and BURGE, P.S. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in Workers Exposed to Metalworking Fluids. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Aug. 2014, 57(8), 872-880. (Open access)

BATT, R. and KELSEY, A. Analysis of factors affecting containment with extracted partial enclosures using computational fluid dynamics. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Apr. 2014, 58(2), 227-240. (Open access)

BESSEMS, J.G.M., LOIZOU, G., KRISHNAN, K., CLEWELL, H.J., BERNASCONI, C., BOIS, F.Y., COECKE, S., COLLNOTT, E.-M., DIEMBECK, W., FARCAL, L., GERAETS, L., GUNDERT-REMY, U., KRAMER, N., KUSTERS, G., LEITE, S.B., PELKONEN, O., SCHRODER, K., TESTAI, E., WILK-ZASADNA, I., and ZALDIVAR, J.-M. PBTK modelling platforms and parameter estimation tools to enable animal-free risk assessment: recommendations from a joint EPAA-EURL ECVAM ADME workshop. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 68(1), 119-139,

BROWN, V., CRUMP, D., PLANT, N., and PENGELLY, I. Evaluation of the Stability of a Mixture of Volatile Organic Compounds on Sorbents for the Determination of Emissions From Indoor Materials and Products Using TD/GC/MS. Journal of Chromatography A, 11 July 2014, 1350, 1-9.

BUTLER, O., CAIRNS, W., COOK, J., and DAVIDSON, C. 2013 Atomic Spectrometry update - a review of advances in environmental analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2014, 29(1), 17-50. 10.1039/C3JA90068A (Open access)

BUTLER, O.  MUSGROVE, D. and STACEY, C,. Preparation and Certification of Two New Bulk Welding Fume Reference Materials for Use in Laboratories Undertaking Analysis of Occupational Hygiene Samples. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Sept. 2014, 11(9), 604-612. (Open access)

CASSON, V., SNEE, T., and MASCHIO, G. Investigation of an Accident in a Resins Manufacturing Site: the Role of Accelerator on Polymerisation of Methyl Methacrylate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 15 Apr. 2014, 270.45-52.

COCKER, J.  A Perspective on Biological Monitoring Guidance Values. Toxicology Letters, Dec. 2014, 231, 122-125, 125 (Open access)

COCKER, J., JONES, K., and BOS, P.  Biological Monitoring Guidance Values for Chemical Incidents. Toxicology Letters, 15 Dec. 2014, 231(3), 324-327. (Open access)

CULLINAN, P., D'SOUZA, E., TENNANT, R., and BARBER, C. Lesson of the Month: Extrinsic Allergic (Bronchiolo) Alveolitis and Metal Working Fluids. Thorax, Nov 2014, 69(11), 1059-1060. (Open access)

DANIELS, K., GLOVER, J., and MELLOR, N. An Experience Sampling Study of Expressing Affect, Daily Affective Well-Being, Relationship Quality, and Perceived Performance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Dec. 2014, 87(4), 781-805.

FISHWICK, D. Work Aggravated Asthma Is Common and Has Significant Personal Impact; a Review of the Recent Literature. British Medical Bulletin, June 2014, 110(1), 77-88. (Open access)

FISHWICK, D. and BARBER, C. Non-malignant asbestos related diseases: a clinical view. Royal College of Physicians Clinical Medicine Journal, Feb. 2014, 14(1), 68-71. (Open access)

FISHWICK, D., LEWIS, L., DARBY, A., YOUNG, C., WATERHOUSE, J., WIGHT, J., and BLANC, P.D. Determinants of Health Related Quality of Life Amongst Residents With and Without COPD in a Historically Industrialised Area. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Dec. 2014, (Open access)

FORDER, J. Simply Scan - Optical Methods for Elemental Carbon Measurement in Diesel Exhaust Particulate. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Aug. 2014, 58(7), 889-898. (Open access)

FROST, G. Letter to the Editor: Response to Comment on 'The Latency Period of Mesothelioma Among a Cohort of British Asbestos Workers (1978-2005). British Journal of Cancer, 2014, 111, 2198-2199. (Open access)

FROST, S., MOGRIDGE, R., and ROFF, M. Fit of Filtering Facepiece Class 3 (FFP3) Respirators Part 1: A Comparison of Fit Test Methods. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection, 2014, 31(1), 57-72.

FROST, S. and MOGRIDGE, R. Fit of Filtering Facepiece Class 3 (FFP3) Respirators Part 2: The Value of Fit-Checking and Simple Subjective Assessments of Fit As an Alternative to a Fit Test V11. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection, 2014, 31 (2), 79-88.

FROST, S. and MOGRIDGE, R. Fit of Filtering Facepiece Class 3 (FFP3) Respirators Part 3: Suitability of FFP3 for Real Faces. Journal of the International Society for Respiratory Protection, 2014, 31 (2), 89-103.

GANT, S., NARASIMHAMURTHY, V., SKJOLD, T., JAMOIS, D., and PROUST, C. Evaluation of Multi-Phase Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Application to Carbon Capture and Storage. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Oct. 2014, 32, 286-298. (Open access)

GARNER, F. and JONES, K. Biological Monitoring for Exposure to Methamidophos: a Human Oral Dosing Study. Toxicology Letters, 15 Dec. 2014, 213(3), 324-327. (Open access)

HALL, J., HOOKER, P., and WILLOUGHBY, D. Ignited Releases of Liquid Hydrogen: Safety Considerations of Thermal and Overpressure Effects. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 Dec. 2014, 39(35), 20547-20553. (Open access)

HEDLEY, D., HAWKSWORTH, S., RATTIGAN, W., BRENTNALL, R., and ALLEN, J. Large Scale Passive Ventilation Trials of Hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 3 Dec. 2014, 39(35), 20325-20330.

HUTCHINGS, S., AYRES, J., CULLINAN, P., FISHWICK, D., JARVIS, D., DE MATTEIS, S., SADHRA, S., WHEATLEY, M., and RUSHTON, L. Using the UK Biobank Study to Estimate Occupational Causes of Chronic Disease: Comparability With the UK National Population and Adjustment for Bias. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, June 2014, 71(1), A79

JONES, K. Case Studies of Hydrogen Sulphide Occupational Exposure Incidents in the UK. Toxicology Letters, 15 Dec. 2014, 231(3), 374-377. (Open access)

JONES, K., EVERARD, M.L., and HARDING, A.-H. Investigation of gastrointestinal effects of organophosphate and carbamate pesticide residues on young children. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Mar. 2014, 217(2-3), 392-398. (Open access)

KOCH, H.M., AYLWARD, L., HAYS, S., SMOLDERS, R., COCKER, J., JONES, K., WARREN, N., LEVY, L., and BEVAN, R. Inter- and Intra- Individual Variation in Urinary Biomarker Concentrations Over 6-Day Sampling Period. Part 2: Personal Care Product Ingredients. Toxicology Letters, 1 Dec. 2014, 231(2), 261-269.

LEESE, E., MORTON, J., TAN, E., GARDINER, P., and CAROLAN, V.A. µLC-ICP-MS determinations of unexposed UK urinary arsenic speciation reference values. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2014, 38(1), 24-30. (Open access)

LISBONA, D., MCGILLIVRAY, A., SAW, J.-L., GANT, S., BILIO, M., and WARDMAN, M. Risk assessment methodology for high-pressure CO2 pipelines incorporating topography. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Jan. 2014, Safety Issues for Carbon Capture and Storage 92(1), 27-35. (Open access)

MAKISON BOOTH, C. Vomiting Larry: a Simulated Vomiting System for Assessing Environmental Contamination From Projectile Vomiting Related to Norovirus Infection. Journal of Infection Prevention, Sept. 2014, 15(5), 176-180. (Open access)

MANNO, M. and JONES, K. Preface Toxicology Letters, 1 Dec. 2014, 231 (2), 109-110. (Open access)

MCGILLIVRAY, A., SAW, J.-L., WARDMAN, M., LISBONA, D., and BILIO, M. A risk assessment methodology for high pressure CO2 pipelines using integral consequence modelling. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Jan. 2014, 92(1), 17-26. (Open access)

MCNALLY, K., COTTON, R., HOGG, A., and LOIZOU, G. POPGEN: a virtual human population generator. Toxicology, 6 Jan. 2014, 31570-85. (Open access)

MCNALLY, K., HALL, G., TAN, E., MARSDEN, B., and WARREN, N. Calibration of Dimensional Change in Finite Element Models Using AGR Moderator Brick Measurements. Journal of Nuclear Materials, Aug. 2014, 451(1-3), 179-188. (Open access)

MCNALLY, K., WARREN, N., FRANSMAN, W., ENTINK, R.K., SCHINKEL, J., VAN TONGEREN, M., CHERRIE, J.W., KROMHOUT, H., SCHNEIDER, T., and TIELEMANS, E. Advanced REACH Tool (ART): A Bayesian Model for Occupational Exposure Assessment. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, June 2014, 58(5), 551-565. (Open access)

MORTON, J., LEESE, E., HARDING, A.-H., JONES, K., and SEPAI, O. Saliva As a Matrix for Biomonitoring of Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Lead. Biomonitoring, Oct. 2014, 1(1), 75-84. (Open access)

MORTON, J., TAN, E., LEESE, E., and COCKER, J. Determination of 61 Elements in Urine Samples Collected From a Non-Occupationally Exposed UK Adult Population. Toxicology Letters, 1 Dec. 2014, 231(2), 179-193. (Open access)

OKUNRIBIDO, O. and GINGELL, A. Delivering Meat Carcasses/Cuts to Craft-Butcher Shops: an Investigation of Work Characteristics and Manual Handling Hazards. Applied Ergonomics, Nov. 2014, 45(6), 1530-1539. (Open access)

PALTRINIERI, N., WILDAY, A.J., WARDMAN, M., and COZZANI, V. Surface installations intended for carbon capture and sequestration: atypical accident scenarios and their identification. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Jan. 2014, 92(1), 93-107.

PALTRINIERI, N., DENCHY, N., SALZANO, E., WARDMAN, M., and COZZANI, V. Towards a new approach for the identification of atypcial accident scenarios. Journal of Risk Research, Apr. 2014, 16(3-4), 337-354.

PARROTT, R. Potential Hazards From Undetected Corrosion in Complex Equipment: a Case Study of the Destructive Separation of an Offshore Heat Exchanger. Engineering Failure Analysis, Sept. 2014, 44, 424-440. (Open access)

PINDER, A. and BOOCOCK, M.G. Prediction of the maximum acceptable weight of lift from the frequency of lift. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Mar. 2014, 44(2), 225-237. (Open access)

ROFF, M., BASU, S., and ADISESH, A. Do active safety-needle devices cause spatter contamination? The Journal of Hospital Infection, Mar. 2014, 86(3), 221-223. (Open access)

SMOLDERS, R., KOCH, H.M., COCKER, J., JONES, K., WARREN, N., LEVY, L., BEVAN, R., HAYS, S., and AYLWARD, L.  Inter- and Intra- Individual Variation in Urinary Biomarker Concentrations Over 6-Day Sampling Period. Part 1: Metals. Toxicology Letters, 1 Dec. 2014, 231(2), 249-260.

STACEY, N. Educating New Engineers About Risk: the Risk Education Network. Proceeding of the ICE: Management, Procurement and Law, Apr. 2014, 167(2), 65-67 (Open access)

STACEY, P., TAEKHEE, L., THORPE, A., ROBERTS, P., FROST, G., and HARPER, M. Collection efficiencies of high flow rate personal respirable samplers when measuring Arizona road dust and analysis of quartz by x-ray diffraction. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 4 May 2014, 58(4), 501-511. 10.1093/annhyg/met075 (Open access)

STAFF, J., COTTON, R., MORTON, J., and WARREN, N. Comparison of urinary thallium levels in non-occupationally exposed people and workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Apr. 2014, 87(3), 275-284. (Open access)

STAFF, J., HARDING, A.-H., MORTON, J., JONES, K., GUICE, E., and MCCORMICK, T. Investigation of Saliva as an Alternative Matrix to Blood for the Biological Monitoring of Inorganic Lead. Toxicology Letters, Sept. 2014, 231(2), 270-276. (Open access)

STEPHENS, R., GRANGE, J.A., JONES, K., and OWEN, L. A critical analysis of alcohol hangover research methodology. Psychopharmacology, June 2014, 231(11), 2223-2236. 10.1007/s00213-014-3531-4

TAYLOR, A., DAY, M., HILL, S., MARSHALL, J., PATRIARCA, M., and WHITE, M. Atomic Spectrometry Updates - Clinical and Biological Materials, Food and Beverages. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 1 Mar. 2014, 29(3), 386-426.

VANDENPLAS, O., SUOJALEHTO, H., CULLINAN, P., AASEN, T., BAUR, X., BURGE, P.S., DE BLAY, F., FISHWICK, D., HOYLE, J., MAESTRELLI, P., MUNOZ, X., MOSCATO, G., SASTRE, J., SIGSGAARD, T., WALUSIAK-SKORUPA, J., and AND THE ERS TASK FORCE ON SPECIFIC INHALATION CHALLENGES WITH OCCUPATIONAL AGENTS. Specific Inhalation Challenge in the Diagnosis of Occupational Asthma: Consensus Statement. European Respiratory Journal, 1 June 2014, 43(6), 1573-157. (Open access)

WILDAY, A.J. and BILIO, M. Safety issues for carbon capture and storage. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Jan. 2014, 92(1), 1-2.

WOOLLEY, R., FAIRWEATHER, M., WAREING, C., PROUST, C., HEBRARD, J., JAMOIS, D., NARASIMHAMURTHY, V., STORVIK, T., FALLE, S., BROWN, S., MAHEGEREFTEH, H., MARTYNOV, S., GANT, S., TSANGARIS, D., ECONOMOU, I., BOULOUGOURIS, G., and DIAMANTONIS, N. An Integrated, Multi-Scale Modelling Approach for Simulation of Multiphase Dispersion From Accidental CO2 Pipeline Releases in Realistic Terrain. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Aug. 2014, 27, 221-238.

Conference Papers

BELL, J., GHANEM, W., and LEKKA, C. Multiple Perspectives on the Role of Safety Leadership in Major Hazard Organisations. 2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA, 2014, 47a

BELL, J., BINCH, S., and SUGDEN, C. Problems Encountered in the Development of a Process Safety Climate Tool. 2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA, 2014, 47cw

BELL, J. The Management of Human Factors in UK Major Hazard Sites: Drawing on the UK Regulatory Perspective. 2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA, 2014, 13a

BETTERIDGE, S., HOYES, J.R., GANT, S., and IVINGS, M. Consequence Modelling of Large LNG Pool Fires on Water. Hazards XXIV, Edinburgh, UK, 7 -9 May 2014

GERVAIS, R., BUFFET, M.-A., EECKHAART, L., LIDDLE, M., and PODNIECE, Z. Well-Being at Work Across Europe: An Assessment of the Concept. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, London, UK,2014

GERVAIS, R. and MILLEAR, P. Maintaining Balance Withing the Workplace: Assessing the Subjective Well-Being of Women Who Work. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, London, UK, 2014,

HEWITT, S. and MASON, H. Establishing the Exposure-Response Relationship for Hand-Arm Vibration - Realistic Prospect, or Just a Pipe Dream? 49th United Kingdom Conference on Human Response to Vibration ,Health & Safety Laboratory, Buxton, UK, 9-11 Sept. 2014 ( Open access)

HOOKER, P., HOYES, J., HALL, J. Accumulation of hydrogen released into an enclosure fitted with passive vents - experimental results and simple models. Hazards 24, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2014. (Open access)

HOPKINSON, J. and LUNT, J. Occupational Health Cultural Maturity: Concept, Measurement and Application to Industry. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, London, UK,2014

KELSEY, A., GANT, S., MCNALLY, K., BETTERIDGE, S. Application of global sensitivity analysis to FDS simulations of large LNG fire plumes. Hazards 24, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2014. (Open access)

LUNT, J., BELL, N., HOPKINSON, J., and BENNETT, V. Standardising Behaviour Change in Health and Safety: a Way Forward? European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK,2014,

MILLEAR, P. and GERVAIS, R. Holidays and Their Effect on Women's Job Satisfaction and Mental Health, in the Context of Personal and Workplace Resources. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, London, UK,2014,

PILLING, C., PRICE, D., WYNN, A., LANE, A., COLE, S., MOORE, R., and ALDRIDGE, T. From Drought to Floods in 2012: Operations and Early Warning Services in the UK. Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions: Proceedings of FRIEND-Water 2014, Montpellier, France,2014, 419-424.

PITTS, P. Development of Example Hand-Arm Vibration Data for HSE Guidance. 49th United Kingdom Conference on Human Response to Vibration, Health & Safety Laboratory, Buxton, UK, 2014, ( Open access)

ROFF, M. Chemical Protective Effects of "Non-PPE" Gloves in Greenhouse Workers. Occupational Hygiene 2014, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham UK,2014,

SHANKS, E. Noise in the United Kingdom Printing Industry: Then and Now. Internoise 2014: 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Melbourne, Australia,2014,

SHANKS, E. Sound Pressure Level and Sound Power Level Declarations: Navigating the Maze. Internoise 2014, Melbourne, Australia,2014,

SHANKS, E. Sound Pressure Level and Sound Power Level Declarations: Navigating the Maze. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, NEC, Birmingham, UK,2014, 244-252.

SMITH, I., ANUA, S., MASON, H., STAGG, S., GRIFFIN, P., DICK, F., SEMPLE, S., and EVANS, G. Monitoring Exposure to Microbial Enzymes Used to Clean Endoscopes. Occupational Hygiene 2013, Deansgate, Manchester, UK,2013, Session 10a (vii)

WILDAY, A.J., FRASER, S., FULLAM, B., ASHCROFT, S., MCCANN, R. Estimating possible impact of the Seveso III Directive for the UK to inform negotiation and implementation. Hazards 24, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2014. (Open access)

WILDAY, A.J., SAW, JL, WARDMAN, M., BILIO, M. The CO2PipeHaz Good Practice Guidelines for CO2 pipeline safety. Hazards 24, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2014.(Open access)

WOOLLEY, R., FAIRWEATHER, M., WAREING, C., FALLE, S., MAHEGEREFTEH, H., MARTYNOV, S., BROWN, S., NARASIMHAMURTHY, V., STORVIK, I., SAELEN, L., SKJOLD, T., ECONOMOU, I., TSANGARIS, D., BOULOUGOURIS, G., DIAMANTONIS, N., CUSCO, L., WARDMAN, M., GANT, S., WILDAY, A.J., ZHANG, Y., CHEN, S., PROUST, C., HEBRARD, J., and JAMOIS, D. 6CO2PipeHaz: Quantitative Hazard Assessment for Next Generation CO2 Pipelines. Energy Procedia, Austin, Texas, USA,2014, 2510-2529

Published Conference Abstracts

BARBER, C., WIGGANS, R., and FISHWICK, D. Relationship Between Historic UK Asbestos Imports and Annual Mortality Due to Mesothelioma, Asbestosis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Thorax 2014 (Supp 2) A5

BELL, J. The Management of Human Factors in UK Major Hazard Sites: Drawing on the UK Regulatory Perspective. 2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA, 30 Mar. 2014-2 Apr. 2014, 13a (ISBN978-0816910830)

BELL, J., GHANEM, W., and LEKKA, C. Multiple Perspectives on the Role of Safety Leadership in Major Hazard Organisations. 2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, New Orleans, LA, 2 Mar. 1930-2 Apr. 2014, 47a (ISBN978-0816910830)

BELL, J., BINCH, S., and SUGDEN, C. Problems Encountered in the Development of a Process Safety Climate Tool. 2014 Spring Meeting & 10th Global Congress on Process Safety ,New Orleans, LA, 30 Mar. 2014-2 Apr. 2014, 47cw (ISBN978-0816910830)

FISHWICK, D., LEWIS, L., DARBY, A., WATERHOUSE, J., WIGGANS, R., and BRADSHAW, L. COPD and the Workplace; Attitudes of Those With and Without the Condition in a Population Based Study Thorax 2014  (Supp 2),  A134-A135

FROST, G. and HARDING, A.-H. The latency period of mesothelioma among a cohort of British Asbestos Workers (1978-2005). Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014, 70, A93. Abstract presented at EPICOH 2013: 23rd Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health. 10.1136/oemed-2013-101717.273

HUTCHINGS, S., AYRES, J., CULLINAN, P., FISHWICK, D., JARVIS, D., DE MATTEIS, S., SADHRA, S., WHEATLEY, M., and RUSHTON, L. Using the UK Biobank Study to Estimate Occupational Causes of Chronic Disease: Comparability With the UK National Population and Adjustment for Bias. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2014  (1),  A79,

LOIZOU, G. Population Based Exposure Reconstruction. Toxicology Letters, 10 Sept. 2014, 229S13-S14. (Abstracts of the 50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX))

PRONK, A., BOESSEN, R., VAN DEURSSEN, E., MEIJESTER, T., ENTINK, R.K., VAN DURREN-STUURMAN, B., HEEDERIK, D., WARREN, N., and TAN, E. Application of a Dynamic Population-Based Model to Assess the Effect of Silica Exposure Interventions on COPD in Dutch Construction Workers: Results From the 'Relieved Working Study'. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014  (Supp 1),  A84-A85, 0189

REYNOLDS, C., BARBER, C., and CULLINAN, P. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Mesothelioma and Asbestosis Mortality Trends for England and Wales: Is Asbestos Exposure Associated With Ipf? Thorax 2014 (Supp 2) A4-A5

SADHRA, S., FISHWICK, D., KURMI, O., CHAMBERS, H., LAM, K., HUTCHINGS, S., JARVIS, D., DE MATTEIS, S., RUSHTON, L., AYRES, J., and CULLINAN, P. Development of Job Exposure Matrix for SOC 2000 Listings to Identify Occupational Causes of COPD. Thorax 2014  (S2),  A4

TAN, E., BARBER, C., FISHWICK, D., and WARREN, N. A Model Based Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Surveillance for Silicosis. 8th UK & Ireland Occupational & Environmental Epidemiology Meeting 2014, 16

Trade & Professional Publications

BALDWIN, P. Are You Falling Asleep? The Decorator, 1 Apr. 2014,18

BEERS, H. Working beyond sixty five: the health and safety impact.  Safety and Health Practitioner, 2014, 11,

COCKER, J. Session 5a: Isocyanates: A Complex and Sensitising Issue. BOHS Exposure, June 2014, 3 15-16

HEALTH AND SAFETY LABORATORY Award Winning Research into Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Causation, Exposure and Impact on Workers. PEROSH Newsletter, Feb. 2014, 12, 9

HEALTH AND SAFETY LABORATORY Load Safe Road Safe: Accident Reduction in Action. PEROSH Newsletter,Summer 2014

KEEN, C. There's Something in the Air. Waste Planning, Apr. 2014, 104 19

LUNT, J. PEROSH Wellbeing Tree.

LUNT, J., FISHWICK, D., CURRAN, A. Taking root. Safety and Health Practitioner, May 2014, 43-45

LUNT, J., SMITH, P., and BELL, N. Health and Safety in a Shrinking World. Safety and Health Practitioner, July 2014, 32 (7) 36-37

NAYLOR, S. and ROBERTS, K. Winner Takes All. Safety and Health Practitioner, Jan. 2014, 32 (1) 38-39

SHANKS, E. STEM in the spotlight: lights, camera and action. Acoustics Bulletin, Mar. 2014, 39 (2), 8

YOUNG, C. Exposure to Lead 2014

Published Reports

BATT, R. Modelling of liquid hydrogen spills. HSE Books, 2014. (RR985)

BRADSHAW, L., FISHWICK, D. Work aggravated asthma: a review of reviews. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1005)

BURRELL, G., JAGGER, S. Flammable mists from accidental hydrocarbon releases offshore. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1001)

ELLWOOD, P., REYNOLDS, J., DUCKWORTH, M. Foresight on new and emerging risks associated with new technologies by 2020: workshop for EU Focal Points. European Risk Observatory. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2014. ISBN 9789292403157

ELLWOOD, P., BRADBROOK, S., REYNOLDS, J., DUCKWORTH, M. Green jobs, new risks? New and emerging risks to occupational safety and health in the electricity sector. Workshop for the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee 'Electricity'. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2014.

FISHWICK, D., YOUNG, C. CHAMBERS, H., ADISESH, A. Research to determine the incidence, prevalence and relative risk of ill health due to chemical exposure in the chemical and downstream oil industry sector. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1013)

FOX, D. Inadvertent operation of controls in excavator plant - insight, analysis and recommendations for prevention by design. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1000)

GERVAIS, R.L. Insight into procurement of construction by private clients. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1016)

GILL, J. Assessment of the safety features of adapted plastic fuel container spouts. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1015)

HALL, J., WILLOUGHBY, D., HOOKER, P. Ignited releases of liquid hydrogen. HSE Books, 2014. (RR987)

HOBBS, J. Reliable corrosion inhibition in the oil and gas industry. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1023)

HOBBS, J. Technical assessment of petroleum road fuel tankers. Work package 1 - full scale testing and associated modelling. Modelling to provide load case data for rollover - approach and initial development. Department for Transport, 2014. (ES/14/39/05)

HOBBS, J., WEBB, DTechnical assessment of petroleum road fuel tankers. Work package 1 - full scale testing and associated modelling. Modelling to provide load case data for rollover - validation and application. Department for Transport, 2014. (ES/14/39/06)

IVINGS, M.J., KELSEY, A. Technical input on ventilation effectiveness for area classification guidance EI15. HSE Books, 2014. (RR993)

LEKKA, C., BENNETT, V. Literature search: understanding how to improve the management of exposure to wood dust amongst construction sub-contractors and manufacturing SMEs. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1017)

LEKKA, C., GREAVES, D. Process evaluation of the Long Latency Risks Division (LLHRD) vocational training interventions. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1012)

MILLARD C. Physiological assessment of non-airfed suits in the nuclear industry - interim report. Phase 1: literature search summary. HSL, 2014. (PE/14/05) Download here

NAYLOR, S. National survey of the burden of sickness absence in the waste and recycling industry. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1008)

OKUNRIBIDO, O., LEKKA, C. Evaluation of the pushing and pulling operations risk assessment tool by duty holders. HSE Books, 2014. (RR999)

PINDER, A., DALBY, M., JONES, A., BOWEN, J., HUNTER, L., FOX, D. Further development of the Variable MAC (V-MAC) tool. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1003)

PINDER, A., FROST, G. Validation of the HSE Manual Handling Assessment Charts as predictors of work-related low back pain. HSE Books. 2014. (RR1026)

ROYLE, M., WILLOUGHBY, D. Releases of unignited liquid hydrogen. HSE Books, 2014. (RR986)

SENIOR, H., MAKISON BOOTH, C., BESWICK, A. A review of the data on efficacy of handcleaning products in industrial use as alternatives to handwashing. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1007)

SIMPSON, A., HAMBLING, S., EASTERBROOK, A., WHEELER, J. Pilot project to research the need to update HSE on the occupational health risks in the woodworking industry. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1011)

STEWART, M., ATKIN, C., HOBBS, J. Technical assessment of petroleum road fuel tankers. Work package 1 - full scale testing and associated modelling. Tanker topple test methods and results. Department for Transport, 2014. (ES/14/39/04)

THORPE, A., SAUNDERS, C.J. Standardisation of the measurement of capture efficiency of on-gun extraction for welding. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1010)

WATKINS, P. Review of standards for thermal protection PPE in the explosives industry. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1002)

WEBB, D. Technical assessment of petroleum road fuel tankers. Work package 1 - full scale testing and associated modelling. Assessment and supply of tankers. Department for Transport, 2014. (ES/14/39/07)

WEBB, D. Technical assessment of petroleum road fuel tankers. Work package 1 - full scale testing and associated modelling. Overall summary. Department for Transport, 2014. (ES/14/39/00)

WEBSTER, J., DALBY, M., FOX, D., PINDER, A. Factors in the design of order picking systems that influence manual handling practices. HSE Book, 2014. (RR1004)

WYNN, T. Reducing the risk of kick injury during the shackling and sticking of cattle in abattoirs. HSE Books, 2014. (RR1014)

Other Publications

Young, C. Exposure to Lead 2014

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