Why use HSE Science and Research Centre?
HSE Science and Research Centre is the foremost laboratory for
biological monitoring of occupational exposure in the UK,
conducting extensive research as well as providing a comprehensive
analytical service. This means we have a wealth of experience of
using biological monitoring in assessing occupational exposure -
experience that we can use to help you understand your results and
to help you better control exposure in the workplace. We also
have access to other expertise such as occupational hygienists,
specialists in ventilation, personal protective equipment etc. in
order to give you the best advice.
We have been involved in much of the biological monitoring
sampling and data analysis used to set UK biological guidance
values. We are responsible for producing and providing information
sheets on these guidance values. We also have representatives
on international standard setting bodies. As well as being involved
in formal guidance value setting, we also produce our own ninetieth
percentile (P90) values from our biological monitoring database.
These P90 values allow companies to benchmark themselves against
others in the UK using the same chemicals and to determine whether
their exposure control is meeting the "industry standard".>
We take the quality of analysis and reporting seriously.
We are an ISO:9001 accredited laboratory and our most popular
tests are ISO:17025
(UKAS) accredited. We participate in a number of external
quality assurance schemes such as G-EQUAS, RIQAS and UKNEQAS and
have internal quality control systems for all our assays. We are a
reference laboratory for MDA in urine for the G-EQUAS scheme and
have representation on the TEQAS/NEQAS steering committee.
However, the value of analysis is not in the production of a
high quality result but understanding what that result means in
terms of exposure control. HSE Science and Research Centre
include interpretation as part of the analytical cost; we aim to
put your results into context and advise whether further action is
recommended. We can provide bespoke consultancy where
UK Biomonitoring Network>
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