Mathematical Modelling and Statistics
We use our expertise to help our customers decide where they
should focus their resources to have the greatest impact in
reducing health and safety risks.
We have a broad range of specialist modelling and statistical
expertise, including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and
epidemiology, that we have applied across industries as diverse as
petrochemicals, nuclear, aerospace, health and local authorites.
Our customers are able to make evidence-based decisions, enabling
them to plan and carry out their operations safely.
How can we help?
- Advising on safely extending the life of ageing assets
- Understand the causes of a workplace accident or incident, and
prevent it happening again
- Spot patterns in accidents, ill-health or component
- Model a scenario, to predict what could happen in the event of
an emergency or failure - for example an explosion or release
of flammable gas
- Provide information for high-hazard installation safety
Example: Reducing workplace ill-health
Sickness absence and workplace ill-health costs UK industry
millions of pounds each year. We can look at data and investigate
trends to identify the causes of ill-health in the workplace, then
make projections on how it may affect you in the future.. We can
then advise you on how to tackle these issues effectively,
both now and going forward.
Specific issues can also be investigated, such as assessing
worker exposure by modelling the dispersion of aerosols,
microorganisms or gases around the human body.
We have worked with a wide range of international companies
including Rolls-Royce plc, Siemens AG, RWE Innogy, WS Atkins,
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, and the Office for Nuclear
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