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HSE Inspector's Guide to Electrical Safety

Book Course

29 April 2025


Electricity can kill or severely injure people and cause damage to property. Learning to work safely with or near electricity and electrical equipment can significantly reduce the risk of injury to workers.

This workshop-style training course provides relevant legislation, guidance, and industry best practice​ in relation to electrical safety and gives delegates a practical understanding of what HSE inspectors are looking for in the control of electrical safety risks, including the effectiveness of appropriate controls.

Delegates will review known high-risk electrical safety issues together with the controls based on HSE's investigation experiences and understand the practical application of enforcement.

This workshop will be delivered by former HSE specialist electrical inspectors whose extensive industry experience includes giving guidance to dutyholders, investigating serious incidents and taking enforcement action.

The workshop is based on HSE's practical enforcement experience, gained from inspecting higher risk industries, but also those industries where, although the hazards can be high, the risks are thought to be well-controlled.

Learning outcomes

Delegates will be provided with information that will help them to:

  • Understand relevant legislation, guidance and industry best practice​ in relation to electrical safety
  • Understand the high-risk and priority issues that an HSE inspector will focus on
  • Be able to reflect on, and plan for, any necessary improvements in the control of risks associated with electricity​
  • Understand their electrical network responsibilities
  • Identify possible systems (policies, procedures and people issues) to help better manage electrical safety and review safety issues that are likely to trigger enforcement action
  • Understand what could happen when things go wrong and what they might be expected to do​
  • Understand the investigation process and see what steps an HSE inspector would take during an investigation of electrical incidents

What the course will cover

This course reviews the relevant Electricity at Work Regulations, provides an insight into what happens when an inspector calls and gives an overview of the available guidance. Delegates will look at electricity as a hazard, safe isolation, public supply and safety (Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations) and the basis for a policy for electrical safety management. The course will include some practical workshop sessions, where delegates assume the role of an HSE inspector. Delegates will examine the background to electrical control systems and interlocks and the background to the electricity industry. Delegates will also gain an insight into what happens when things go wrong by studying case studies of previous incidents and will receive an update on the outcome of recent relevant court cases.

Who should attend?

Health and Safety Professionals responsible for managing or advising on the interface between businesses and the HSE.  Business owners, senior managers and technical specialists responsible for managing and controlling general electrical safety risks. Owners and operators of both public (licensed) and private (unlicensed) electrical distribution networks.


The course will be run at the HSE Science and Research Centre in the spa town of Buxton.

Buxton is in the heart of the Peak District and has good links to major roads and motorways, mainline train stations and Manchester International Airport.

Details of hotels in the Buxton area can be found at


£580 per person (includes course notes, lunch and refreshments).

Book Course

Some of our training courses can also be delivered in-company, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Telephone: +44 (0)203 028 3704

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