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How to Change Health and Safety Behaviour

Are you confident that your workforce will always make the safe choice?

Despite plans, procedures and systems, people can, and do, make mistakes.

HSE has investigated every major industrial accident over the last forty years. We share the unrivalled insight and experience this gives us with organisations, helping them to better understand their workplace safety culture and showing them how they can make their workplaces the safest in their industry.

With our help you can benefit from:

  • reduced injury
  • improved worker health and wellbeing
  • confidence that you are doing everything possible to avoid accidents
  • less unplanned and expensive production downtime
  • avoidance of financial and personal costs, and the reputational damage arising from litigation

Can I really change an individual's behaviour?

YES - and we will work in partnership with you to do this.

Our "Make it Happen" model will help you to promote healthier and safer behaviour amongst your workforce and management by tackling multiple influences on behaviour to achieve positive culture change.

By working pragmatically and flexibly, and tailoring our solution to your specific needs we ensure that you obtain value for money.

We will help you to identify and then address strategic challenges in these core areas:

Can it happen?

Are your jobs well designed? Do you have a genuinely supportive health and safety culture? Are you confident that your senior leaders possess the right skills to act as enablers for safe/healthy behaviour? Is safety always the priority for your organisation, even when the business is under pressure?

Will it happen?

Do your employees have the right health and safety knowledge and skills? Is training really making a difference or is it merely regarded as a 'box-ticking' exercise? Would employees express the same views on your health and safety culture to both a manager and a colleague?

Do we want it to happen?

Is your workforce motivated and committed to creating a better health and safety culture?

You can achieve measurable results

Every organisation will have different ways of measuring health and safety performance. We can work with you to benchmark your current performance using our research-based tools.
We can also help you to determine meaningful and reliable indicators of the success of your health and safety interventions.

As examples, our clients report that our approach has delivered measureable:

  • increases in reported near misses
  • reductions in hours lost due to accidents reduced
  • reductions in incidences of RIDDOR reportable accidents
  • commitment to health and safety by management
  • workforce participation and ownership of safety problems and solutions
  • improvement in trust between site staff and management
  • improvement in organisational communications

Start changing health and safety behaviour now

Your business is unique, and probably complex. Most clients begin by engaging us to assess the current influences on their workforce's behaviour.

As a starting point, this will give you a strategic understanding of:

  • the root causes of the health and safety issues you are experiencing, including why unsafe/unhealthy behaviours are occurring;
  • the appropriateness of your management approach
  • practical and evidence based recommendations to advance your health and safety performance

Contact us now

To learn more about how you can benefit from our deep understanding of human behaviour and leading scientific research in this area, please contact

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