Andrew Garrison
Sustainable Energy Safety Scientist

Andrew is a scientist at the HSE Science and Research Centre
researching into the safety aspects of potentially explosive
atmospheres associated with sustainable energy.
Before joining the HSE, Andrew spent 5 years consulting in a
range of industries and gaining experience of dangerous substances
and safety assessment methods. Throughout his career he has shared
his expertise on the application of the Dangerous Substances and
Explosive Atmospheres Regulations through industry user groups and
educational training courses.
In his current role, Andrew uses a mixture of practical
experimentation and theoretical analysis to research into the use
of hydrogen as a potential energy carrier. As a sustainable energy
safety scientist, his projects are focused on initiatives looking
to help the world meet its net zero targets.
Research Interests
- Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations
- The use of 100% hydrogen as a new distribution gas for use in
domestic, commercial and industrial applications
- The use of a 20% hydrogen blend in natural gas for gas
- Control of ignition sources in potentially explosive
- Explosive Atmospheres in the water Industry and aviation
Previous Projects
- H21 Phase 1a - An investigation into the change in leakage when
switching from natural gas to hydrogen in the UK gas distribution
network (NGN)
- HyDeploy - Industrial and Commercial Appliances (Progressive
- H100 - Hydrogen Excess Flow Valves (SGN)
- HyDeploy 2 -Ignition Sensitivity, Progressive Energy
- Hazardous Area Classification for Liquid Hydrogen Refuelling
Research Facility (Airbus)
Notable Achievements
- Presenter at the International Conference of Hydrogen Safety
- Presenter at the IChemE Hazards 28
- Energy Institute Research report: Aviation fuelling hazardous
area classification
- Runner up in the 2018 Chemical Industry Awards Young
Further Information
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